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A member registered Mar 17, 2022

Recent community posts

kk, i'll be honest in saying that I was only barely able to do vibetime with school and everything, and since this just happens at almost the same time i'll let you do this and vibetime is done, I will 100% join this tho. Thank you, you're a certified chad in my eyes lol

whoever wild_ is, thank you, I gotta go but this is just saying that people will actually join this馃憤

k boys, vibetime is open, i would like to vibe with you guys

I personally dislike the fish as a tier 1, ofc i'll take it early game and level 2 fish is a nice thing to get to buff everything, but i personally think the best tier 1 most often is either mosquito or ant, just easy to use without sucking too much gold into it like the fish

(1 edit)

BTW, vibetime has been permamoved from 11:20 to 11:30 central time, which means it's starting right now lol

vibetime is a private versus game for people who want to vibe, as the name says

OK, I've decided I want to help those people searching for versus matches here. On all weekdays except Wednesday, I'll set up a versus with the name vibetime, it'll start at 11:20 am central time, convert that to your time zone ofc. I would understand if no one actually joins this, but at least I'm trying馃檭. Hope to see you there!